Cannot stand my toddler 😭

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

My daughter goes through phases where she is very pleasant to be around and I love being her mom. But, then the pendulum swings the other way and she is absolutely horrible. She has such a shitty attitude, throws tantrums over everything, and will not listen at all. It’s so bad that we refer to it as a demon has come to possess her again. She’s also super manipulative and stubborn in general. For instance, this morning she woke up after my husband left for work. She threw a massive temper tantrum, including kicking and screaming, because she wanted daddy to get her out of bed. I calmly explained that he couldn’t but we could FaceTime him. I also offered her some of her favorite food. Nothing worked and she continued her fit. She then pushed her one year old brother to the ground and I was done. I left her room and told her to let me know when she was ready to act like a nice person again.

Putting her to bed is also a similar ordeal with lots of crying, screaming, manipulation, and stubbornness. I’m at my wits’ end with her. Even her daycare teachers say her attitude is over the top and they say she is turning 13 instead of 3 in October. Asking her to do the simplest tasks could set her off. She will flat out yell NO in my face. Of course I reprimand her but she absolutely does not care. I asked her if she listens to mommy and she said nope.

I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried not yelling. I’ve tried yelling. I’ve tried positive reinforcement. I’ve tried taking things away from her. Literally nothing works when she is like this and it gets worse every time. Usually when this happens she is going through something developmental and comes out of it with a new skill, but man do we have to work for it. I’m ranting now, but just really needed to vent. Anyone have any advice or can just commiserate? Thank god for wine is all I can say. 🙌🏻