Start of a vvvf line!

Nadine • M.A.W born 23/7/17 - miscarried 15/6/18 - N.T.W born 8/5/19 - TTC baby #3✨

I started testing Sunday when I was 8dpo. The test was negative. Monday I started to have pregnancy symptoms, and i was pretty convinced I’m pregnant. Boobs are very sore, hot flashes, moderate cramping.. everything I had with my previous pregnancies. I took another test and I felt like I saw something but had to squint really hard and just thought I was going crazy.

This morning at 10dpo I saw a very very very faint line. It’s hard to see on the pictures, but it’s definitely there. Hoping on that bfp soon and that this baby sticks around 🙏🏻✨