Okay, ladies….has anyone had this issue. TMI‼️

Destiny • 29, Virgo, married to a 6`3 sweet man, been 5`1 since I was 14, love kids, pink is my favorite color, ttc for baby #2 for 1 year. 3 chemical pregnancy. 2 miscarriages.

I have been spotting since Monday, off and on through the day. Mostly when I wipe, & very little on my tampon. (Even after 3-6 hours) well today it was super heavy when I wiped, nothing on my panty liner.

I’ve been feeling fatigued, nauseous, headache, lower back pain, left side cramps, tender breasts, & frequently going to pee.

Ive be been doing the ovulation & pregnancy tests, & my ovulation says I’m peaking, & pregnancy is negative, even though I swear I see a faint line.

I’m so confused. Pictures to follow with.