First time masturbating

So last night my husband and I began role playing like a masseuse and a client it was our first time roll playing but the sex got intense anyways later on he had to go check on our daughter and I was still extremely horny I figure because it had been over a week since we had sex and I was loving it and didn’t want it to end anyways I asked him for help but he wasn’t interested because he was out of the mood now. So I offered to touch my self (which I’ve never done) to try to get him back in the mood it worked and I ended up masturbating for real then it got extremely kinky and we were both doing it to each other ourselves ect just all over the place but I came over 12 times during all that was going on and I felt like I couldn’t stop. I should mention that we did par take in some recreational stuff as well as alcohol im unsure though what caused me to go so crazy with it. He loved it but it was extremely intense for me and I felt very embarrassed and still do. Is this normal ? Will. This always be the case ? Also we did anal and I’m bleeding from both wholes my period ended day before yesterday if that helps anything.