Coming up on one year of my miracle


I truly can’t believe my little rainbow is almost a year old! We are so blessed to have such an awesome blessing in our lives. You see for four and a half years we had just a dream, my husband and I dreamed of what our future would look like. We knew it would have babies but we didn’t know it would be filled with lots of battles to get there. As my sweet girl inches closer toward her birthday we have decided we are going to transfer our last and only other surviving embryo. I can’t help but have so much anxiety over this last transfer. We can not financially afford to pay for another round of <a href="">IVF</a> ourselves as we have paid for two already along with four <a href="">IUI</a>’s. I want to so badly give my girl a sibling and I just can’t help but worry and think of all we went through. Yesterday while driving I saw a rainbow and thought maybe it might be a sign… wasn’t until about an hour later I saw another and I knew it was the sign I had been looking for! I am going into our last transfer extremely hopeful because honestly my daughter has brought so much joy into our lives and I can’t help but feel like our sweet little family just isn’t complete yet! Here’s to praying 2023 brings us our next miracle’