Am I wrong not wanting to go with him?

My fiancé took me to Pier 92 (or 93 I don't know) for a Halloween party (on Halloween) and both of us know that I hated it. I'm not a "night club" person at all. I hate alcohol and I do not enjoy those kind of environments. Luckily, he only likes them 3 times per year or so, in special occasions like those. I'm more a family person. My way to spend Christmas is with my family. Sadly, I'm unable to flight to my country to do so. And his family is also in another country. I know that if he was near family he would obviously prefer a family dinner than a night out, but since he doesn't have family here, but me, he prefers to go out so he doesn't get sentimental due to missing his family. 
The point is that I when we went to that party, him himself told me that that wasn't my environment and that h wouldn't take me anymore to those environments since I didn't have a great night. Well, I though that that would mean that we would do something more "family oriented" for New Years <a href="">Eve</a>. Well turns out that I ended telling him that I didn't want to spend NYE in Pier 92 (or 93) like we did for Halloween. He said that he know. Later, his best friend told him that he was going to buy the tickets so the price doesn't get higher. And he told him okay. So, they bought four tickets. Theirs and mine plus one other guy friend. Then, he told me that he gots our tickets and I'm like "what?" And I said I'm not going, it's not my style. And he said "I already bought them" and I said I would prefer to stay home alone and he said that he wasn't going to leave me alone, so I would go with him. 
I feel sad. I feel frustrated. Obviously I want to be with him that day, but not partying. I would prefer to go to NYC and watch the countdown, kiss, and then go to sleep. I would prefer anything but a EDM party.
The problem is that he knows, he always knew I would not enjoy that environment and even knowing, he decided to buy the tickets.
I want him to go, cuz I know if he doesn't he would get sentimental and stuff, but I want to stay. And if I stay alone, I know I'm gonna get sentimental.
If I tell him I won't go, he would also get mad.
I just needed to express how I'm feeling. I feel he was selfish when he bought the tickets, but I'd feel selfish if he ends not going because of me.