Constant headache at 22 weeks pregnant


For 3 days I've had an almost constant headache. Bright lights make it worse, and when sit up/stand up it feels worse, like there's weight in my head. I've tried paracetamol but didn't make a difference. I've also been having round ligament pain and back pain on and off, as well as feeling nauseous after eating and a loss of appetite (I had sickness and nausea until around 17/18 weeks that subsided). Don't know if this is related but around the same time I started getting headaches I noticed baby kicking a lot more and fetal distress is constantly at the back of my mind. Everytime I google (I know I shouldn't) first thing that pops up is pre eclampsia but has anyone else experienced this and it's just genuinely normal things during pregnancy? I'm a first time mum so everything is so alien at the moment. Please comment any advice