27w5d scare


I was at home and resting when suddenly I started cramping. My uterus contracted but it wasn’t like Braxton hicks. It went on and off for 30 minutes and I noticed spotting when I wiped. I’ve had multiple losses and an ectopic rupture so I didn’t want to take chances. This pain was like the rupture. So my husband took me in to maternity ward (here after 20 weeks, you skip ER and go straight to the ward). The doctor saw the pain I was in and gave me morphine and gravol without testing anything first. I ended up having (TMI alert) two bad bouts of diarrhea, like straight liquid, and almost vomiting. They had me hooked up but baby’s heart rate was fine. No signs of distress. Everything was closed and high still as well. No signs of softening. The cramping eventually calmed and I was left with tenderness on my right side. My urinalysis came back with blood in the sample but no infection. The doctor said she thinks it could of been a kidney stone passing. Because she’s very unsure what else it is which wasn’t reassuring. She said pain doesn’t just disappear like that after being so intense. I seriously was 10/10 before we left the house for the hospital. I was faint from it. Seeing stars etc. then 30-40 minutes later, nothing but tenderness. I mean, they did give me morphine but still. She seemed concerned but sent me home to just rest, sleep, and monitor it.

Anyone else have a situation like this. I was so scared it was labour starting early but nope. IDK what it was. I’ve never passed a kidney stone before so I can’t say what that feels like.

I am now just worried the morphine is gonna be bad for my baby. At the time it was given, I was in pain pain. But now I’m just worried about baby.