Ugh my SO is so selfish

I'm so sick of our sex life, or lack thereof. Tonight, Xmas <a href="">eve</a>, he comes to over, we get all the gifts out. He says he's tired and we go upstairs. He asks me a message (which i do often), and then insinuated a BJ would be great. No problem. I give him one expecting we'd have sex (a stupid expectation considering lately), and then he rolls over and goes to sleep (he never came-hasnt ever). It just makes me so fucking angry. I'm at my peak time, which means super horny. I'm done. Next time he wants sex, I'm turning him down. I never turn him down. Ever. He's turned me down many times, or just doesn't put out. I'm so sexually frustrated.

Now I get to spend my morning tomorrow trying not to punch him in the dick.

/end rant.