Hcg Question

Shannon 🌈

Hi y’all,

I got my first beta back today and it was only 10. I was technically only 9dpo when they tested me yesterday (I have a history of ectopic so they like to start early). Is this normal? Or does it seem too low? I got a vvvvvfl in the evening on 8dpo and then by the evening on 9dpo and this morning at 10dpo I’ve been getting very clear positives on all brands. I’ve gotten a two positive digitals, a positive cheapie, a positive frer and 2 positive first response rapid results (which I think are less sensitive). The attached pic is my rapid result from this morning.

I guess my question is also, is it abnormal for all of these tests to be so clearly positive when my hcg is only 10?

I am going back in for another beta tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks in advance for any insight! 💕💕