Shes here!!

Cyndi • Mommy to 💕Atlas Jade💕 March. 2nd. 2019 💞Lovina Gracyn 💞May. 29.2020❤️ Preggo with #3

September 15th @ 2:57am Baby B. A. M Arrived! Weighing 6lbs 12 ounces

19 1/4 inches long!

We Went to my doctors appointment @ 3pm September 14th for a check - up I was 39 weeks and 3 days. Feeling lots of pressure and what I thought was just back pain (in fact I was laboring) got checked 3cm dilated 88% effaced and -2 station. She swept my membranes, but Blood pressure was through the roof so got sent to the hospital. We arrived at about 3:45pm waited in triage for about 4 hours and during that time i got checked and I was 4cm dilated then after she left the room my water broke by itself and contractions started to hit harder. Blood pressure was still high so I got started on Magnesium (IT SUCKS!!! AND DRAINS YOU) I finally got to a labor & delivery room at about 10pm Room 3 which I thought was fitting being this was baby girl number 3! In which we decided I would get an epidural to help manage the contractions but also help bring my blood pressure down. BY 12 midnight I was at 7cm and didn't even know it (finally an epidural that worked!) But then started feeling back labor again so I hit my epidural botton. Well my Bp crashed and I begun to pass out. Apparently my bp was 69/39 and my pulse was 50. I don't remember much honestly. But they were able to restablize it and I started coming back. When I felt better she had checked me again and still I was at 7cm. The nurse re positioned me and said she would come back. As soon as she left the room I felt a pop and more of my water broke and I felt massive pressure next you know it was time. She came back with in 10 mins and confirmed I was in deed ready! I had to hold to push until the doctor came in and when she said you ready.... I pushed once and she was out 😊❤️

She is perfect and passed every test at 100% it was a fast and kinda traumatic birth but we are both fine minus my blood pressure issue & weakness from the Magnesium and we are just in awe and over the moon!

I waited this long to announce because recovery was tough and we just needed time but we are now home and starting to settle in as a new family of 5!

The girls are over the moon in love with their baby sissy although Lovina is a little hesitant (hense no pictures of her) but we are adjusting great so far non the less!

Without further ado ..... Bexley Ann Muzic A. K. A Baby B. A. M ❤️

My little targaryen 😂😂❤️💞

My little silver haired Dragon Queen 👑💞

P. S . She was a celebrity all over the labor & delivery ward because of her hair! It was crazy 😜🤪😂😂