34 weeks ??



Is it normal around this time for stomach to look smaller, I swear one day it looks big then the next it looks small doesn’t help that Im already small for an 8 month pregnant belly

Im starting to think he might of dropped maybe that’s why because I still feel him move

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It’s normal! Baby is moving a lot at this time, and only has a little longer before it’s too cramped to make big shifts in position. So some days baby may be closer to your back, other days baby may tilt to the front, and other days baby may be straight up side ways!! But here pretty soon he/she will find the right position and stay there for the most part. I’m also noticing big changes in the shape and size of my stomach. I even had a coworker the other day swear that my baby bump was smaller compared to the other day, It’s all based on baby’s position