Different symptoms, different pregnancies

Hi! I’m kinda curious about something.

I had a chemical pregnancy two cycles ago but I just knew I was pregnant. My sense of smell was off the charts, my boobs really hurt, and I was bloated. I took a test at just 1-2 days late and I got a positive test. Unfortunately I had a chemical a couple of days later.

I suspect I MIGHT (a little too early to test, I’m at about 4 days til my period starts) be pregnant again but I’m not experiencing those same things I did before. My belly is mildly queasy that is kinda worse when I’m hungry, I was crampy but not the usual menstrual cramps (kinda dull and lasted a day or two), my usual coffee just doesn’t taste the same, my salad didn’t smell very good today, I’m bloated and gassy, kinda tired, I woke up with a stuffy nose a couple of days ago, and I feel full a lot even when I know I haven’t eaten in a while. Boobs feel fine and my sense of smell is kinda heightened but I could just be thinking about it too hard.

Is this normal?