2 year old won’t sleep in own bed anymore


I’m having a hard time with my 2 year old.

He will no longer sleep in his own bed for the whole night. He stays there for a while but he always wants to come to our bed at some point.

He takes up to much room and I’m constantly waking up at night. I’m being pushed off the bed almost and I don’t get good sleep, I wake up sore and cranky. I’m in the third trimester with our third baby as well.

I can’t just leave him in his room or keep bringing him back to it because he shares a room with his school age brother and will wake him up with his screaming and crying. I try to put him back when he falls asleep but it doesn’t last long, plus I can hardly get down to where his bed is without pain.

I tried adjusting his naps during the day but it doesn’t work. I also think he might have ASD but I don’t know yet, he’s a very challenging kid and normal solutions don’t seem to work. If anyone has tips to stop this that would be great but I guess I’m just mostly venting. If my husband isn’t in the bed it’s fine but he takes up a ton of room too and we only have a queen. Can’t count on him to help because he wouldn’t even wake up if the house was on fire.