Merry Christmas (hospital story)


This baby must want presents. Last night, just sitting on the floor, I suddenly started bleeding. SO and I rushed to the ER, where they eventually admitted me. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor and after a bit, realized she was in some distress and that I was having contractions. I couldn't even feel them. They gave me an IV and a steroid shot for her lungs in case she was coming.

The IV stopped the contractions and they couldn't pinpoint where the bleeding was coming from, but they held me overnight to make sure things didn't get worse. They didn't get much better, but being Christmas, they let me go on bed rest. I have to go back tonight for the second steroid shot and then to the regular ob office on Monday.


Hospital staff (past gate keeper in er) were amazing

Baby girl is still inside me

Got to spend most of Christmas home

SO was home and able to drive me there


Hospital beds are the worst

Still no real idea what happened

I do know that part was caused by stress all last week, some maybe from sex the night before, and a lot from me literally doing nothing instead of even drinking water.

Hope everyone else had a much less eventful day and has a happy new year!