Birth story at 37+5


On 9/4 I woke up at 3am with really bad contractions I showered 3 times and couldn’t sleep so I decided to go to the hospital. I was told I was 4cm and was having contractions every 2-3 mins. I was sent home since in the 2 hours I was in the hospital I did not dislate more. Once I was home I tried sleeping since my husband was trying to get a flight to get to me and my contractions stoped. Since I was only 37weeks I they could not breaks my water or give me Pitocin. On 9/5 my husband was home and I started to walk to see if my contractions started again and it sure did when I went to the doctors again I was 6cm got to go to l&d and at 11:10 am on 9/6/22 after 4mins of pushing I gave birth to my baby boy Albert Noel Jr , he weight 7lbs and 2.2oz