3 months Post partum - what’s going on w me?!


I had my 3rd baby July 7th and about 4-5 weeks later had unprotected sex (I know🫠 but I didn’t tear, birth went fast, I felt good) …since then however we’ve been using condoms. I am exclusively breastfeeding. August 28th I had some pink spotting that didn’t last more than a couple bathroom trips worth. I’ve ironically thrown up the day after from drinking one night (maybe just a light weight?) and now, almost 2 months later my nipples are just so sore and I’m pretty crampy. I also want to add that my discharge seems watery or sticky. I figure if I got pregnant, I’d be like 8ish weeks? But I tested tonight at about 8pm and it was negative. No faint line at all. At this point you’d think the HCG hormone would be very obvious.

Anyone deal with anything similar? Am I ovulating? About to get period? Adjusting from birth yet? Pregnant maybe?! I’m going crazy lol