Pregnant again


So my boyfriend and I just had our son in January and recently we just found out we’re pregnant again abt either 8 or 9 weeks and we’re freaking out because we don’t have enough money for another baby and every since we found out I’m pregnant again I’ve been having extremely sharp stomach pain and really bad cramping to where I cry and can’t sleep. I can’t go to my OBGYN doctor bc she’s already full and I have a gut feeling that I’m having an ectopic pregnancy. My boyfriend and I have been discussing the options of maybe an abortion but we looked into it and it’s just so much and we don’t want to get looked at or talked abt bc we did it. And idk wht to do bc the pain from the pregnancy just keep increasing more and more and I can barley eat anything without having to puke for literally hours. Does anyone have any suggestions or something? (Please don’t come at me for suggestion abortion.)