Is there a possibility i have ADD or am neurodivergent?


Hello. I’m 17 years old and suspect i have ADD but i’m not sure. i tried telling my mom about this and she is SURE i don’t have anything. She keeps questioning my reasons and i want more opinions on the problem. So i will share my side and them hers


I am constantly feeling sluggish and lathargic. It seems as if i’m tired 24/7 and sometimes i feel like a zombie. But some days i feel very energetic specifically when i’m looking forward to something i’m going to do or if i’m doing something i enjoy. I can’t focus in school and am failing my classes. I get really overstimulated around my sisters and going out with family. Yet i somehow don’t feel this way as much when i go to concerts or go out with my friends. I’m not sure why. Like i will be in my room and be crying and miserable because i can hear my sisters screaming and crying and my mom yelling at them and the dog barking and it just makes me feel crazy. Some days are better and i’m very excited and upbeat but then others i feel as i described. it’s like it turns off and on but i can’t really control it. My brain also never stops going. It’s sometimes hard to go to bed at night because my brain won’t stop going back and fourth with itself, like the thoughts in my head are just always bouncing around. There’s probably more reasons i cannot think of right now but those are a few.

HER POV: she says that she was always tired in highschool too. She says i’m just annoyed at my sisters and it isn’t anything wrong. She finds it weird that i can be fine at shows and with my friends but be upset around my family. She uses it against me alot to make it seem like i’m just a bitch and hate my family. My cousins have ADHD and when i tell her i think i might have ADD she says i “don’t act like them” so there’s no way i have it.

Idk, i don’t wanna look like i’m making excuses for me to be mean and lazy so i just wanna see if any of you have a say in this. Thank you!!