Please be honest with me. Am I the only one with kids like these?

I feel like I’m alone here. My kids are feral. They are constantly screaming, whining, crying, fighting with each other. They break their toys almost the same day they get them. Rip up books. In public like a store they just run off from me. Grab shit off shelves. Refuse to hold my hand/sit in a cart. I do my fucking best with them, give immediate consequences/discipline, but they just don’t care. They are so bad I swear I hate going places with my kids. When my son’s teacher tells me he doesn’t listen and just runs around I’m like lady idk what to tell you either. He goes to OT and sees a psychologist and everyone is just like 🤷🏻‍♀️ “that’s just how he is”. We just tried to get icecream as a family and it was so horrible I left and cried in my car because my kids wouldn’t shut the hell up or sit down and just eat the fucking icecream. Idk why God thought I could handle these kids. I am failing. They’re only 4 and 2 and I don’t think they’re happy kids with how much they are constantly crying and complaining and fighting me on everything. I’m just at a loss.

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