So, my AF was due Xmas day... The run up to it I never had any symptoms apart from my Callender telling me she was on her way, usually it's the aching back, stomach cramp this time was blinding headaches feeling sick  and tiredness, which is very very unusual for me... Xmas day arrives and AF never appeared, usually she arrives bang on q! Never a day early or late so this point all Xmas day my heads buzzing thinking oh perhaps fat belly here can actually conceive..  Okay it's a day late anything can happen but when my schedule is always correct it does kind of send you're mind into overdrive.. I had plans that if AF didn't come by a week late then I'd take a PT however, after coming home from my mothers I feel it, as if Mother Nature punched my guts going hahah fatty not this time round... So gutted :( when will it be my turn!!!!