Hustle Drops & FIL


I really just need to vent a little… my FIL got in these (basicallly pre workout now that I’ve done some research), drops. They’re called Hustle Drops. I didn’t know what they were when he stuck them out to me to try. I asked him if it was safe for pregnancy and he said yes, so I let him give me like 2-3 drops. The taste was downright awful & I went and spit it out, but I know I swallowed some bc it burned everywhere it touched and it was burning my throat.

I started looking up each ingredient for peace of mind & now it’s saying Wintergreen oil should basically never be consumed orally & definitely not while pregnant. I know it wasn’t a lot, but I’m freaking out a little. I’m 14 weeks & this is my first. I’ve tried to do everything right I’m just so scared this will have some kind of affect & really just needed to vent. 😞