Adjusting/ Venting

It’s 3:40am here, I’m just venting no big deal. So I just recently packed my stuff and left this small town I’ve been trying to leave for years for a change. I used to be a musician and ever since I recently turned 26, things changed. I lost my confidence with my music, so I decided to take a break and go back to school. Music just isn’t stimulating for me anymore which kinda sucks. I even drove here to be with my partner with a cold and ended up getting the pink eye a day later. If you wanna know more that wasn’t even the end of it, because I started cramping 2 days after I drove down here.

But I’m staying hopeful since I’m taking online classes, trying to reach a deadline with shades on since these eye drops started hurting my eyes. Look this whole week so far has just been kicking my ass ok?!

While I was driving up here, I got a phone call from someone I used to be in love with and it triggered alot of emotions inside of me (idk why I answered) All I’m trying to do is get my life together and dodge all these obstacles coming my way. I’m even thinking about going to church because I’ve got so much trauma built up inside (and this is coming from someone that is spiritual more than ever) just trying to make sure I don’t loose my mind and stay strong. It’s been a rough couple of years since 2020 😤😔 Anyway like I said, no big deal. Not sure if I wanna cry to my close friends about all of this so here I am, venting on here and to my partner. If you got to this point, thanks for reading