Did I have a miscarriage? Loss of twin? Other possibilities?
⚠️ WARNING! Graphic/trigger photos!!! ⚠️
I need help!! I’m so desperate to know what is going on with my little baby and I have yet to go to my OB (I didn’t have one before now. It’s my first baby) to be an established patient/confirm with blood work - I have an appointment on 10/20 for that. Then my actual doctors appointment isn’t until 10/28
Timeline of events:
- I’m currently 6 weeks and 5 days pregnant as of today, 10/17… if I’m still pregnant. I had dull aching right lower back pain since what would have been week of conception to when I passed the blob on this past Thursday (in the last pic). Slight to moderate uterine cramping from week of conception to just after passing the first piece of tissue shown in first pic.
- Last Saturday night, 10/08, I started having brown and pink with some white discharge and only when I wiped. I thought nothing of that because I’ve had friends and family say that’s pretty normal at 5.5 weeks pregnant to spot and have discharge and bleeding. Had that for two full days.
- Monday morning it was pink watery with brown discharge mixed in when I would wipe only. No pad/liner needed.
- By Monday evening it was bright red with no clots but no liner needed and only there when I wiped. That lasted to to Tuesday morning.
- Tuesday to Wednesday evening there was red blood when I wiped and sometimes small clots (about half the size of a dime) throughout those two days
- Wednesday evening I was having some more moderate lower right back pain that dull ached all evening. That night I passed what’s in the first pic below. A thin, 2”x1” piece of tissue that looked and felt to be the consistency of chicken skin. Had no smell. I still bled a little after that but only when I wiped and no liner even needed still.
- Thursday morning we left to travel 5 hours to my parents and stoped a coulple times along the way for our dog. I used the bathroom each time and only had red and some small clots. Had wore a pad just in case but there was little to hardly any blood in the pad the entire trip.
- Thursday night I started having super bad lower right back pain and thought it was where I sat all day in a vehicle. I went to the bathroom and what’s shown in the second photo below was in the pad I had put on. The “tub/sac” thing was size of a dime around and about 2 inches long. Not really much blood came out with it, but it was bright red when wiping.
I then opened the dark red sac looking tissue to see if it may be a baby or what just to know if I had passed my little baby. To ease my mind. See 3rd pic for what I saw inside. The surrounding tissue was more of a clot-like material mixed with tissue. The dark red “sac” was filled with some, almost black blood and the clear fluid filled blob, too. My back pain went COMPLETELY away after passing that and the blood eased up to almost nothing with pink mixed in by the time I went to bed around 1am last night.
- Friday (this morning) I woke up to some blood with small clots mixed in but thought it may be from laying all night like usually does when I’m on my period. Now I am having some thinner pink to red blood throughout today but is much lighter and less clots than all of the past week. Back pain is very minimal to none.
- Saturday to today (Monday, 10/17) the bleeding is practically gone and has went back to light pink/watery with only one small clot one time when I wiped on Saturday and once again on Sunday. No clots or red blood all of today.
I called triage at my doctors office Thursday before I passed the last blob/tissue and they didn’t seem concerned even about the tissue I said I passed the night before. They said if I have lateral stomach pain, severe pain with bleeding, fever, chills etc. to go to the ER. She mentioned not needing to really go in if it’s just blood or if I do indeed pass the baby in miscarriage unless it’s too much to bare mentally.
I’ve been googling myself to death since this bleeding started over a week ago. All reviews and similar stories have ended in miscarriage, loss of one twin or some have had a lot of bleeding and clots/tissue and the pregnancy ended up being fine and successful until delivery with bleeding/passing clots to be unknown reason. Has anyone maybe had something similar and it be the loss of a twin and go on to have the other baby? I’ve tried to think of any possibilities.

Let's Glow!
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