Labor for Baby Boyđź’™

Jessica • 💕

Thursday , September 29th, had my biweekly appointment. It was scheduled at 8:30am so I took my daughter to school and headed over. I started having contractions and they were able to catch them on the monitor during my routine testing. They were pretty consistent and after the doctor reviewed it she said i should head to labor and delivery because she could see the baby’s heart rate drop every time I had a contraction. So we went home prepared a little just in case and headed over. Mostly went because I wanted to check how dilated I was because I was sure I wasn’t ready yet. After a view hours and monitoring the baby I was only 1cm so I went home. Friday my contractions stopped all together. It made me sad because I wanted things to get more intense. Saturday they started again. I went wedding dress shopping with my sister and was having contractions that were more intense than the ones on Thursday but not unbearable. We spent hours at David bridal and she found the one! It was such a beautiful moment I was happy to be able to witness it all even tho I was in pain lol. When I went home I was good contractions continued all evening. By midnight they were even stronger. I couldn’t sleep and was worried to have to drop my daughter off at my dads house and then head to the hospital so we decided not to wait. When we got the the hospital it was about 1:30am. They checked me and I was 3cm. I was very relieved. They were gunna wait hours to check again but they also noticed the drop after every contraction so they admitted me for baby’s safety. By 2:30 we were completely settled into the room. When I got checked again I was 6cm. I got my epidural around 4am but unfortunately it didn’t work for me. My catheter was so painful and contraction pain moved from my lower tummy to my vagina. This went on all night and although I was pushing the button for more medication I was not getting numb. Although I was dilating more and more I was getting exhausted by the pain. I felt every little pain including when the doctor broke my water. When it was close to the time to push, I felt the need to poop (because I was treating every meal like it was my last lmao) so I got very discouraged to actually push. I dilated to 8cm then 9cm then finally 10 by 10:30am. My nurse got me ready to push but it wasn’t easy for me. I felt like I had no strength. After baby was born October 2nd, 11:09am I did skin to skin forever and didn’t find out his weight until later. 8pounds 2oz. And that’s when we realized the difference between him and my daughter. She was only 6pounds 10oz. She was easy to push out and although he wasn’t easy I’m happy to have got through it. Now I have my little pair♥️I love my babies! ♥️