Normal for a newborn?


She is my 4th & I don’t remember my other 3 being this constantly fussy & needing the pacifier 24/7 while awake. Even when I’m holding her. Whenever she’s awake, she’s fussing & crying unless she has the pacifier which I’m constantly putting back in her mouth every 5 minutes or less. Especially from 7pm to 12am. She stopped sleeping long stretches too. She’s 5 weeks old. All day she takes a handful of short naps 10-15 min max & maybe 1 or 2 longer naps a couple hours max. At night she isn’t down for a long stretch till midnight & we get 3 hours max & she doesn’t go right down after being fed. With her sleeping much less now, I have to keep her from crying all day & I use her short naps to be with my other 3 kids. No such thing as a calm baby for me lol. Makes it impossible to set a routine for her right now too. I wouldn’t say she’s colic because my 2nd child had colic & was inconsolable. It was much different. She doesn’t cry like she’s in pain either & I don’t notice any discomfort or gas. She poops fine. She is the 1st to hate the carseat too & doesn’t matter if the car is moving. She has to be sleeping or pacifier or she screams. She’s just a really fussy baby I guess or is this pretty typical for her age?