It's the damn guns

Yes another shooting, another teacher and student lost, some more thoughts and prayers and claims of never again...until tomorrow when this happens again somewhere else. I hunt, I believe in the 2nd amendment, I believe in stronger and universal regulations because ITS THE FUCKING GUNS. Yes I vote republican more often than not. No I cannot stand biden or most of the dems in control. No I will not vice for any local or federal politician who doesn't support strict and strong background checks and actively tries to stop gun violence. My Christian trump voting all American marine brother had a son injured in one of our many many many school shootings we have had...and is a huge vocal advocate for gun control. Not only because my nephew is now mentally scarred for life as well as will never walk normally or run again but because he seen 1st hand what guns can do and why regulations and training is important as a marine. Screw your thought sand prayers and fuck your selfish ideas of my rights to own a small arsenal of whatever weapon because 'murica and realize change NEEDS to happen. I have zero fear I won't be able to hunt with regulations, but maybe an 18 yrs old won't be able to walk in a buy a murder machine to go and destroy the lives of families and communities on a whim.