Is it selfish or selfless?


Having one child.

I have a friend who can not afford another baby (this is what she tells me). She currently has a 2year old son and her, her boyfriend and baby live in a one bed apartment. The boyfriend occasionally works and she has a part time job and receives state benefits as extra.

She is trying for another baby as to provide her son with a sibling (her words). She states even though she is struggling and has little support from boyfriend it would be selfish of her to let her son grow up as a lone child! She also states she is getting too old to wait any longer so the sooner the better. (She is 38years old)

Is that selfish or selfless of her?

EDIT: gosh please read my post properly before commenting. In no way am I judging my friend or frowning upon her choices. Her partner stated she would be selfish if she didn’t have another child (HIS WORDS) and she was questioning having another due to her circumstances (HER WORDS)!! This lead me to wonder what other peoples views are on people in general having another child so that their child has a sibling regardless to whether they want one or not or regardless to their personal circumstances!!!! As for my friend I clearly informed her she needed to do what she wanted to do as she would be the one going through the pregnancy, birth and majority child care etc.

It’s controversial subject I believe that’s why I posted in this room to start a controversial discussion on the said topic in general