F*ck you

I was in a relationship with my ex-husband from 21-35. Divorced and got into a long term relationship almost immediately for 5 years. Earlier this year he broke up with me. After some time for healing, I joined the online dating thing at the age of 40. The very first guy I matched with and met in person was awesome! We had so much in common, talked everyday, met up, hooked up and had fun for about 5 weeks. Then out of the blue, I get a text from him that says he’s not ready for anything serious since he had just got out of a divorce 6 months prior. He felt like we could be serious and he wasn’t ready for that and didn’t want me to wait for him. Well here I am two months later still wondering about him, thinking about him. Certain things remind me of him from time to time. I’ve been trying to move past and dating other people since but I always compare them to him, wonder what he’s doing, etc. I can go days without thinking of him and then BAM… I can’t stop thinking about how much fun we had together, the things we did together, things that remind me of him. So here’s to you - FUCK YOU!! Quit taking up room in my head, quit making me wonder what would have happened, quit hiding around the corners of my house. Fuck you! You dumped me via text, you wouldn’t even give me the chance or choice of trying to figure this out. I’ve cried over you, wondered about you, kind of stalked you online. It was only five weeks but you left an impression on my heart and mind. Get out of my head!!