Bleeding yet showing pregnant


I'm 11dp5dt and official meant to be doing a pregnancy test on Sunday but I had already done it and it came back positive. Then I started bleeding heavily so went to emergency Gynaecology department at the hospital. They did the urine test as soon as I got there which came back faint positive(it was midday urine with about 1 hour hold). Then they had put a speculum in me to check if the bleeding was coming from the womb and doctor said it's not actually coming from womb. But I have still been bleeding and they won't do a HCG blood test until next week so I don't know what's going on. My concern was I might be miscarrying or having ectopic. The doctor said as the mouth of womb is still closed and bleeding is not coming from womb so it can't be a miscarriage. Sorry about the long essay. Any advice will be appreciated. 🙏🏼

I'm just trying to believe in god and hoping that I'm still pregnant but it baffles my mind with this heavy flow!!