General breastfeeding questions…might sound silly.


So I’m pregnant with my second! With my first I so badly wanted to breastfeed and I mean I had it all, nursing bras, nursing tops, pump, nipple balm, etc. And then during my hospital stay breastfeeding was really really hard and I gave up…I regretted it everyday since then and it caused me a lot of mom guilt especially when formula shortage happened.

I just had a few questions that do go through my head…

- how do you breastfeed in public? I see women who are so open to feed and no cover and I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with that even at home if I have company over.

- how do you make yourself feel not as isolated during breastfeeding? I noticed my brothers girlfriend with her newborn would go to a completely separate room and so would my fiancés cousin and I don’t want that, I want to be included with company still.

- who can tell me what size flange I need?

- how did you manage to not be so scared of it potentially hurting(if you were scared)? With my daughter her latch was so wrong and it hurt so bad I was crying and I’d have to pull my nipple out of her mouth and I’m SO scared of that excruciating pain again.

- my boobs are on the bigger side and I’ve had this what seems silly type of fear, could my baby suffocate during feeds?

Please don’t make fun of me I just am new at this and having anxiety it won’t go so well again and I’m scared!