Moving to a new place pregnant


I just feel like complaining a bit to those who’ll really get it lol.

We were looking for a new place before I got pregnant, but really ramped it up when we found out we’re expecting. My partner kept pushing to wait longer and longer but I had to draw the line at moving at 30 weeks. I’m due January 13th, our current apartment isn’t baby safe and has terribly steep stairs that we’re difficult for me even pre-pregnancy.

He didn’t seem to really get why I was insisting we move sooner until about a week ago and well hindsight is 20/20. He gets it now but it’s too little too late to make it any easier on my body😪

I’m now 30 weeks and we move tomorrow. We only managed to get a lease on a new place a week ago and my partner works more than full time hours, so most of the packing and cleaning has been left to me. The whole time we’ve been planning the move he went on about how I won’t be lifting anything on moving day (which is great!) but didn’t think to factor in all the physical labour of prepping for moving day.

Ladies when I say I’m exhausted. OOF. I don’t know how I’m still going!

Anyone else here had to get through a big move while super pregnant? I’m big enough that strangers assume I’ll pop any day but I’ve got 2.5 months to go still😬 I’m super thrilled to be moving to a family friendly neighbourhood with far less stairs but holy hell this moving process is kicking my ass!