

So me and my ex were together two years and he couldn’t tell me to my face he don’t wanna be with me no more he just slept with me then decided he didn’t want me week later but he ghosted me and when I finally got hold him he broke up me but none of it was in nicer way after two years and me trying to make it work was stupid this whole time because he just used me and he’s arguing over my matress I paid for I might be silly wanting a mattress back but I did everything in the relationship so I’m ok with him not owning something I paid for I feel like make me happier if I take it back plus that was supposed be mine anyways we were just living together but the exchanged for 500 dollar matress was these stupid speakers that are his and they not even worth that much compared everything I spent that bed and him general and it was his idea put those annoying things in anyways I don’t no if I should just let it go or fight back because I hate he gets away being abusive to me and thinks this okay to call a women you supposedly loved one point she’s slut and all mean things in book you could call women out disrespect