Pregnant 😳

I’m after some advice or people who have been in similar situations. My son will be 6 months old in a few days, I finish maternity leave and return to work at the end of this month and I’ve just found out I’m pregnant. Approximately 5 weeks. So I’d be 9 weeks by the time I return to work. I’m absolutely petrified to tell my boss because I know they’ve been really been holding out for me to come back. (I’m a pre school teacher) I popped into work today to take my son into his class for a visit and she said to me “we can’t wait to have you back and things go back to normal” (they’ve been short staffed since I left, hired a temp to cover me and she mucked around and didn’t last) little do they know in about 7 months I’ll be heading off on maternity leave again. Every time I think about it I feel so sick. It’s my only concern.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? How did your work take it?

Do I tell them before I go back or wait for a few weeks after?

I love my job so much. I’d be absolutely devastated if I lost it 😢