Bottle nipple size increase?


I’m curious what you all think about increasing nipple size for a 1 month 2 week old. Right now I use a size 1 nipple and it takes him well over an hour to eat 4.5 ounces and he falls asleep every time. By the time I’m done feeding him, I have to prepare another bottle because he’s hungry again and trying to get him to go down for a nap or night time sleep is almost impossible. He’s fussy because he wants to eat.

I tried a size 2 nipple last night and today and it’s been magical. He consumes 4.5oz in about 10-20 minutes but it sounds like he’s gulping and drinking way too fast for my comfort. It sounds intense. On the plus side, no spit up or vomit and he almost made a 5 hour stretch last night and his naps today have been amazing. I will inquire with the pediatrician at his next appointment, but do you think it’s worth to switch him so soon?

For context: he’s a month and two weeks, 10 pounds, formula/breast milk mix.