Sex question after being married 5+ years

Destiny • 29, Virgo, married to a 6`3 sweet man, been 5`1 since I was 14, love kids, pink is my favorite color, ttc for baby #2 for 1 year. 3 chemical pregnancy. 2 miscarriages.

How many times a month do you & your husband have sex. (Without tracking for a baby)

We are 5 years in & we have sex MAYBE 3 times a month. Even if I’m “tracking” it will still be around 2-3 times a month.

In the beginning we couldn’t keep our hands off each other…we were 21. Now we are 28 & I feel it’s just gone down hill.

It mostly happened when I got pregnant & then it picked up after we had him. But it’s gone down again.

What are things you do to maybe spike the interest?

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