Would y'all be okay with your significant other adding random girls back on Snapchat if they added him first?

So last night I noticed a girl message my boyfriend on Snapchat and ask him who it was, because I ain't never seen her before. He said, oh, it was just some girl added me on here so I was like let me see what she says at first he was like no and kept asking me why until I kept pestering him to show me and when he did she was asking if he was single and saying they should talk. I asked him why he's adding girls on Snapchat if he doesn't know them and he just said he adds everyone back. Now all I keep thinking is, if I wasn't there, would he have told her he was single.. Like why hide that. My boyfriends never gave me reason to not trust him, but lately, he's been a little weird with his phone, so I've been naturally suspicious.

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Posted at
Snapchat is just shady all together.


Amanda • Nov 8, 2022
Yeah it is, my husband doesn’t have it at all. I have one from when I was like 15 but I literally never go on it. I feel like it’s kinda weird as an adult to be Snapchatting 😅


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He’s hiding it. He’s being shady. Trust your gut


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He was trying to hide it for a reason 🚩


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Clearly you didn’t trust him in the first place if you thought him adding back some girls on Snapchat was a big deal. If you don’t trust him, don’t be with him.


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No, becusee he is 36 and that is just creepy 😂😂 we are far too old.


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No cause why