First growth spurt?


How has it gone for you? I’m pretty sure my baby is having hers and it’s been awful😅

I thought she had gone through it last week because she was clusterfeeding a lot more, but it’s nothing compared to what the past two days have been. She’s very fussy at night, wants the boob nonstop and she’s suddenly wide awake for hours at night. Two nights ago she slept 5 hours, last night she slept for 4 hours between 10pm and 4am. She had been sleeping 7/8 hours at night. She wakes up, diaper change, eats, stares at me wide eyed for a bit until she cries for the boob again, eats, spits up a ton, finally dozes, poops, repeat. I thought babies slept more during growth spurts 🙃

She wont take a pacifier, we have tried so many different types. My husband got her to take an avent soothie the other day but she has been refusing it again ever since. We keep everything dark at night. Light during the day. I burp her when she pulls off one breast and then put her back on the same one until she pulls off again, then I switch. She’s not particularly gassy and the spitting up is new. Eek😅