Develop PCOS after birth control?


Is it possible to develop PCOS after going off birth control? I’ve always had irregular periods, painful periods, etc but it was always looked over. After I had my first child, I went on birth control for 3 years. I finally went off of it middle of last year and since then I’ve had only 2 periods total. I’ve now not had a period in 7 months and im not pregnant. I’ve had multiple negative pregnancy tests. I’ve also noticed other symptoms recently like black hairs growing on my chin I’ve never had before? I’ve also had random cramping/pelvic pain but no period. Also, horrible cystic acne along the jawline and I’ve gained about 20 pounds just in the past year and can’t seem to lose weight. I started googling because something just seems off like a hormonal imbalance or something and it looks like everything points to PCOS? Just wondering if anyone else experienced the same after going off birth control 🤔

I’m scheduling an appt with my gyno soon, just wanted to hear from others who maybe experienced this and what helped them get back on track and feel normal again 🥲