BD quit his job to avoid child support

Like the title says. Is there anything I can do? I know there isn't much I can do but I'm so angry at this dildo fuck face for quitting his job 6days before court.

I've been doing everything for this baby. Caring for her and providing for her financially. He's ALWAYs had a job..when I met him he was working..met him on the job. It irritates me he gives his money to his mother and lavished on his own fucking self but to save his own ass he quits.

Will the judge be lenient on him bc he quit his job? Also what would happen if I filed for tanf with child support so close?

This ass said he doesn't know when he'll start working again but he said I can work and he'll keep the baby more.

I told him I see through his game. He's such a pussy of a man

Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

I'm so upset and angry.