Tell me I'm seeing things and going mad...


Ok here's the story: We've been trying ver a year, apparently I'm anovulatory according to the sh!tty tests the NHS did at the wrong time without looking at anything else apart from my weight.... This month I decided to not track anything. I'd hd enough, sick and tired of it all. We're having a wedding celebration in May i figured we'd wait until after then to fly abroad and start on clomid etc.. not that we stopped "trying" or have taken any precautions and what can I say we like to have fun a lot 😂

I've been feeling really weird for the late few days and I'm estimating I'm probably around 11-13dpo given previous tracking. So I took a test with fmu yesterday and negative. Again this morning because usually AF arrives with absolute regularity 10 days post ovulation so this is already weird ... This morning's fmu was way too early for me so I peed in a cup, dipped a stick, left it on the side and went back to bed. It was negative but the test looked dogy, so I peed again a couple of hours later when I woke up properly but before coffee and it was taking too long so I left it again and started work because I'm used to negatives by now... But there looks like there is something there and m probably just seeing things but what do you thin about the top one which is the second test?

TL;DR it's probably negative, I'm expecting a negative, we're suffering infertility and I have zero hope left