Anyone else hate being pregnant?


I am so grateful to be pregnant, and it’s been a long journey to get here, but I hate it. I have all day nausea and I am super depressed. I have been taking diclegis and it was helping with my appetite but now at 11 weeks the nausea is breaking through and I’m back to that feeling of being starving and/or needing to eat but feeling queasy as soon as I start eating something. I know the nausea and depression is or can be normal, and I feel a little wimpy for hating it this much when some women have much worse sickness and for the whole nine months. I feel like I can’t get any relief from bad smells, they seem to be everywhere. My own shampoo and body wash, dish soap, the dog, dust, ugh I just feel miserable all the time. I just wanted to complain and have someone indulge me…anyone else feeling the same way? Especially the depression?