

I'm 41w and they suggested me an induction as they said it might be harmful for baby to stay longer.

What do you think about this?

I want him to come out naturally but I'm so scared to let this go on.

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Posted at
Your dr is a trained professional in their field. I’d trust their advice. You can of course ask them to explain why and provide you more information. You canAlso ask how you can still go about this as naturally as possible.


Nastea • Nov 10, 2022
Will do today! Thank you lots for helping me xx


Be • Nov 10, 2022
Ask them about the gentlest way to do an induction. There’s medicines to help progress that (not just pitocin) there’s also a foley bulb option.


Be • Nov 10, 2022
So ask them for more info. Ask why they said that, what the risks are, if you show signs of that, what to watch for, etc.


Posted at
I heard it’s dangerous to go over 41 weeks. I personally wouldn’t go over 41


Nastea • Nov 10, 2022
Yes, that's what I've been hearing people say and I read lots of articles on this topic. I might as well get one then.


Posted at
The reason they don’t want you to carry longer is because after 40 weeks your placenta starts to break down. You need to trust your doctor, they are trained and want you and your baby to both survive and be healthy


Amanda • Nov 10, 2022
I had an induction with my son at 40+5, it’s not that bad. Everything progressed really quickly for me and all In all he would out within six hours start to finish


Nastea • Nov 10, 2022
Thank you xx I will get an induction, I'm scared but I'll get over it! Wish me luck


Posted at
I was told that after 40 weeks the placenta starts to break down and that it can be dangerous to go over 41 weeks without intervention


Ka • Nov 10, 2022
My ob, my doula, and a midwife both told me that. Personally I wouldn't want to go past 41 weeks. Even if myself and baby were healthy anything can change. And if waiting increases those risks why chance it? But there are people who do wait and they are fine. Maybe ask the doctor for more information. They should be willing to have an honest back and forth conversation with you and come up with a plan you both agree to


Nastea • Nov 10, 2022
I heard it starts happening after 42 weeks 😳


Posted at
I got one. Think about the end of the tunnel! Get to meet your baby. You’re making the right decision for both of you! Speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 and good luck!


Nastea • Nov 10, 2022
Thank you xx I decided to get one. There are just too many risks for not getting one.


Posted at
I was induced at exactly 40 weeks… nothing scary about it at all. It’s for the safety of you and your baby. You can always ask the doctor to explain what all happens when you get induced.


Nastea • Nov 10, 2022
Thank you, after all these talks about induction I decided to get one. I'm just scared shitless 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Posted at
I’ve had 3 of my babies after 41 weeks I’m in Australia and they will book inductions for post term babies at 41+3, maximum legally is 42 weeks. I went into labour with one at 41+2. Trust be your induction will be fine they are smoother the more ready your body is to birth baby and your body will be very close.


Posted at
I got induced at 39 weeks by choice to avoid going over the 4o weeks as well due to the placenta break down and for my own safety as well. I was very scared as well and didn’t know what to expect because no woman in my family had ever been induced now was the advice I received positive but they don’t immediately give you Pitocin. First they check to see if I was dilated or if my cervix or mucous plug whichever was ripened (wasn’t) they put a pill up there to soften it and then when I was 1cm they put a ballon to help a long (remember Pain killer if your pain tolerance is low for this part) then when I got to 5cm they gave my pitocin and the Epiduo and little man arrived 2 days later 🥰🥰 1 day before is actual due date 


Posted at
It can be dangerous because the babies chances of mucomnium aspiration rise. Around 40-41+ weeks the baby can have its first poop in utero. The babies first poops as we know as different than normal poop as in consistency. And the baby can get that poop into their lungs. And that's very dangerous. It can cause infection and harm baby. In bad situations, ending in death. This why they highly recommend against using caro syrup as a form of "natural induction" or whatever crap they want to call it. It makes baby poop and then you have all those risks.


Posted at
I was induced with all 3 of my babies. It’s not super fun but I don’t think any labor is