Trouble conceiving


Hello!!! I’ve been trying for 2 years to get pregnant, I’ve looked into all the things I could do to help naturally but I’ve finally accepted the fact that I need to seek my doctors help. I’ve gone in and have done multiple tests and they found follicles on my right ovary that according to my doctor isn’t enough to be considered PCOS. I’m okay with her response as I just want to figure out what’s wrong but what they found is my prolactin levels are too high which I googled (I know I shouldn’t trust the internet) but most of the symptoms that came up from my search match what I’m feeling! Depression/anxiety with a loss of sex drive and my periods are completely irregular which definitely doesn’t help. My acne is a lot worse now than when I was in high-school and the weight gain is also making it hard even when I try to eat healthy and workout on the regular! She had me redo my blood work on the prolactin serum just to make sure but I’m scared of what’s to come if In fact it’s something i can’t fix….I just feel like I needed to vent this and anyone with any advice or just some great pick me up’s would be great. I’m just so lost and sad.