My relationship doesn't feel like a relationship anymore

We've been together a bit over a month. This past week we have talked about plans at least twice and both times he's like oh yeah another day, tomorrow. Or I bring up something He's like Oh no I'm working I said When did that happen He's like Oh I just talked to my boss like half an hour ago. Meanwhile he told me he knew he was gonna be off today and only work Saturday morning. Surprise he's working the entire weekend full days Saturday and Sunday and we were supposed to have plans. His communication is shit. He said he's only gonna be like this until mid December cause he's going to school in January. It feels like he isn't trying. I've tried talking to him and he says he just busy after work. I was expecting to see him after I was done work this evening around like 5ish to hangout for a bit cause he knows I said he can come over. He didn't even attempt to say when am I seeing you. It's only when he wants to. I'm getting pretty annoyed. Same with sexual stuff, it's only when he wants something.