Baby gets hit on head with phone


Hi im a new mom and im very worried about him its late at night and i was wondering on if i need to take my baby he’s 4 months almost 5 mths in a couple of days to the doctor because he got hit on the head with a phone well it fell on him (you know when you lay down do watch movies on your phone and it falls on your face) like that so it hit him on top of his eyebrow and its red and it seems like he has a bump he cried obviously and i got him and he calmed down but was breathing good but then he would like breath in and out (like when you are crying to much you and you calm down and breath in and out like out of breath) and he’s calm now but i don’t know if i should be so concerned like i am over some of these things when i talk to him and he kinda doesn’t look at me much but I’ve sang to him like i do and he did talk a bit and smiled and his heart beats fast but i know it should so his breathing sound a bit fast bit i know it should (supposedly to google because its very late and i don’t have any grown up to ask or talk to near me) so PLEASE HELP ME should i be this concerned im very scared and shaking or im i too concerned because he wants to asleep and i don’t want him to so much because he got hit in the head and i fear something bad will happen since he got hit in the head but then again he was sleepy because he was woken up and then got hit I’ve also checked his temperature and it’s okay its 97.3 97.1 97.5 PLEASE HELP ME can you please tell me on what i should do if i need to go to the doctors ge seems okay but im very worried i want to go but i would like some help from any other mothers😩🫶🏼🥹 ive also touched where he got hit and he doesn’t cry or make any noise or complaints of hurting he also kinda seems like his usual self he’s just very sleepy but i also have another thing i worry seems like if i pick him up but his arms and hold him out he kinda breaths kinda a litte similar to huffing but not so fast