Anyone have a preemie & breastfeed successfully?

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I am 35 weeks with my 5th baby and I’m definitely in early labor. Been losing pieces of mucus plug for two days and the back contractions have begun. I suspect baby will be here within the week which makes sense since two of my kids came at 36 weeks.

So question, my two kids who were full term (41 & 38 weeks) successfully breastfed past a year .. my two 36 weekers tho sadly just couldn’t get the hang of it and I had to pump and formula feed. This is my last baby and I really want to breastfeed, especially since I have four other kids to care for.

Has another had preemies who were able to eventually latch and nurse? Any tips or tricks?

Thank you!