12 month old fits/tantrum

I wouldn’t call them tantrums per se, but recently our 12 (almost 13) month old has been throwing small fits. It is unlike her (although I know baby personalities are obviously still developing). She just got over being sick for the first time ever and while she was sick she cried every time she fell or sat hard on her butt and we picked her up and comforted her. She would also twist and arch and cry when she either didn’t want to be held or was uncomfortable. Now I don’t know if she’s learned that crying and or throwing herself backwards gets attention or what but I’m worried it will continue. What is your experience with this. I understand she can’t communicate verbally so she is doing so otherwise but how can I help her? We usually try to divert her attention by going elsewhere, or put her down. But sometimes it’s random. Like we’re reading a book and suddenly she’s like “wahh” and is frustrated. I’m trying to pay close attention to her to see cues for when she might be getting bored but sometimes it happens so fast.