Can’t win 🙃


My daughter (1 and 1/2 years old) is waking up at 12 and crying or screeching till about 5 she’s done this for the past couple of days and I haven’t been sleep just so I can get her but tonight she didn’t wake up at that time so I thought I could sleep I was wrong I wake up at 2:30 to my husband mad as shit saying why didn’t you answer your phone I’ve been calling and texting you to get up and get her I was asleep and the baby monitor doesn’t have sound (it’s a old monitor so I stayed up the last 3 days to make sure but the one time I try to get sleep I’m the asshole because he has to go to work which is why I stayed up those other nights because im the one that stays home so I can sleep which isn’t true because I have to clean when they are asleep (I have 3 under 3) but 6 kids total the other kids are in school I was only asleep for a 2 hrs which I know is my fault