Was I wrong?

So I was trying to get work done,but my daughter is home. I pulled her out of daycare bc she was being neglected..my family doesn't help all they do is criticize.

Fast fwd. Her dad calls. I need a break so I ask if he wants to have her for a few days ( he gets her sporadically) he says yeah so I take her.

I walk back in my mom goes off she says you dropped her off nc you didn't want to be bothered. I heard the irritation I'm your voice. She's gonna grow up to resent you...she was expecting to go for a ride not be dropped off

And she just went on and on and attacked me as a mother. I said I'll go to a shelter and she was like you wouldn't last therw..

Anyways her dad barely gets her...like every blue moon so I need a break and needed to wrong?

Then I told her I'd get her sat or Sunday and she fkn gasped and said that's too long

They don't help watch her so I can work .. they don't have to I know but if your gonna criticize atleast help

Was I wrong? Am I missing something?